Tuesday, February 23, 2010

80 days and counting!!!

Well. . . I've only got eighty days till I graduate! Yes that's 80, which is less than three months now. And that includes weekends and all of our days off too. I've had the count down going ever since we started back to school in January. And I know that I say it over and over, but I just can't wait to be done!!! I'm looking forward to having more free time to spend with my daughter and just more time in general to do what I want. :D
Today didn't start off all that great. It was a clinical day which meant getting up at 4 am, and on top of that I had a sore throat and headache. However, I wasn't running a fever so I cowgirled up and went to clinicals. I survived the day and really should be getting to bed, but I thought I'd try to write on my blog ( yea! it's my second post!). Anyways, Syd and I made it back to Oakley over the weekend for my buddy Adam's wedding. Jeremy was sweet enough to come with us, and we had a nice weekend. The trip home wasn't too much fun since the roads were slick and snow packed, but we made it home all in one piece. I'll try to post some pics from the weekend on here tomorrow or Thursday! Well I'm gonna head off to dreamland. . . 4 o'clock comes waaaaay too soon for this girl!

1 comment:

  1. I'm SOOO glad you're blogging! I LOVE YOU! Have a good night at work!
