Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Sleepless Night

So, it's one of those nights that I just can't seem to fall asleep. Tonight however, it is not due to any of the usual factors that contribute to my insomnia..... My baby sister is going to be a mommy very soon (hopefully within the next 24 hours) :D and I just can't stop thinking about it.... I keep running through all of these different things in my head and praying to God that she doesn't have to experience any of them. Of course, being a nurse, I know just how many things can go wrong during a labor and delivery. Please, God let them both be safe and happy at the end of this!

Another factor is that I'm just soooooo stinking EXCITED to finally get to be an Aunt!!!! I can't wait to meet little John and finally get to hold him and spoil him! I mean, come on. . . Isn't that what aunts are for?!?!?! So here's to a safe labor and delivery for Meg and to John being a healthy baby boy! Pictures will follow once the little man has made his appearance.


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A little of everything. . .

SO.... I've been a little lax on keeping my blog up to date, but it's not intentional! I've just been super busy. Between school, Syd and work I really don't have too much free time, but that's all gonna change in 53 days! Well, ok not ALL of it's gonna change. But I'll be done with school, so that will free up a huge chunk of my time. Now, to try to catch you up on what's been going on in our busy lives, here's a quick run down of the last few weeks.

1. We went to celebrate Eli and Megan's birthdays with them and had a great weekend with friends and family
2. I officially finished my early morning clinicals, and I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am to not have to get up at 4:00 in the morning anymore!
3. Mom and Dad came down for the next weekend since Dad was off. I didn't get to see much of them since I was working (and sleeping :D) while they were there. That Sunday we went in to the school to watch Jacob play the cowardly lion in the school play The Wizard of Oz. He did a wonderful job and we all greatly enjoyed the play.
4. SPRING BREAK FINALLY ARRIVED! Unfortunately Syd didn't get a spring break, so I picked up a couple of extra shifts at work to help pass the days (extra money on the paycheck never hurts!). Sissy and I also took a little road trip and spent a day shopping.
5. We had absolutely gorgeous weather on Thursday, and then Friday we got snow. . .yes SNOW! What can I say, if you don't like the weather here in good ole Kansas, just wait a day and it'll change!
6. This last weekend was once again spent with friends and family. We went to celebrate Miss Geralyn's baptism and had a wonderful time. Syd always has such a great time playing with all the kids that are always a part of the family functions!
7. Today it was back to school. . . I'm starting the hunt for jobs, but I just don't know where I want to go and exactly what branch of nursing I want to be in. SO. . . . I've decided that I'm just going to apply for some different jobs that I've found and see where that leads us.

Now it's picture time!

Here's a picture of me and my beautiful baby girl on St. Patrick's day. Well I shouldn't really call her a baby anymore, but she'll always be a baby in my eyes!

The big green flower was Syd's green for the day. . . She absolutely loved the flower (and check out her new haircut!) It's soo much easier to do and it only takes a couple of minutes!

So, this is a close up picture of a picture of a puzzle that Sissy and I started. . .
And this is the big picture of what the puzzle will look like when we get it done. . . it's over 1000 pieces and quite frustrating at times, so I'm sure it will take us a while to complete.

A picture from Jake's play.

Sydney with Jake after the play was over. I don't think she was 1oo% sure what to think about him, but I thought it was a cute picture.

And here's my favorite picture. . . We got to meet Grandma and Grandpa and take them out for breakfast. It's always so nice to see them!
Anyways that should somewhat get people caught up on everything that's been going on in our busy lives. . . More will follow as soon as I'm able!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

One more day down, with a martini!

Well, today was another clinical day. We've only got three more days of clinicals in Belleville, then it's on to our simulation labs and preceptorship! We officially have less than 2 1/2 months left now till graduation. . . YAY! I'm sure people will get tired of hearing me talk about graduation, but I'm just so ready to be done, so you'll have to bear with me.

This week has been an interesting one so far. It started with a really, really crappy weekend at work, but sometimes that just can't be helped. Then Uncle Lance was sick, but I think he's finally over it. Syd didn't go to school yesterday because she wasn't feeling well, and she did end up spiking a temp yesterday afternoon. You know a kid's sick when they ask to go to bed before 6:30. . . usually it's "I don't want to go to bed!!" or "But I'm not tired yet." She woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed this morning and had 4 eggs for breakfast. I'm tellin ya, you can't tell by looking at the girl, but she can EAT!!! Anyways, I've got this coming weekend off so that we can go to Hays to celebrate Mr. Eli's 2nd birthday (already?!?!?!), and Meg's also coming to celebrate her birthday too. It's so hard for me to believe that my baby sister is going to be 20! I remember when she was born almost like it was yesterday. Her arrival turned my little world upside down, but I wouldn't trade her for anything. Even though we don't always get along the best (what sisters get along ALL the time anyways?), I'm so glad to have her as a sister and I look forward to celebrating another year with her. I'll try to take pics this weekend and get them posted.

That's really all that's going on in our world at the moment. . I'm topping off the night with a wedding cake martini (they're wonderful!), then I'm gonna go tuck my girl in to bed and head there myself. . . It's another super early morning tomorrow! Goodnight all!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

80 days and counting!!!

Well. . . I've only got eighty days till I graduate! Yes that's 80, which is less than three months now. And that includes weekends and all of our days off too. I've had the count down going ever since we started back to school in January. And I know that I say it over and over, but I just can't wait to be done!!! I'm looking forward to having more free time to spend with my daughter and just more time in general to do what I want. :D
Today didn't start off all that great. It was a clinical day which meant getting up at 4 am, and on top of that I had a sore throat and headache. However, I wasn't running a fever so I cowgirled up and went to clinicals. I survived the day and really should be getting to bed, but I thought I'd try to write on my blog ( yea! it's my second post!). Anyways, Syd and I made it back to Oakley over the weekend for my buddy Adam's wedding. Jeremy was sweet enough to come with us, and we had a nice weekend. The trip home wasn't too much fun since the roads were slick and snow packed, but we made it home all in one piece. I'll try to post some pics from the weekend on here tomorrow or Thursday! Well I'm gonna head off to dreamland. . . 4 o'clock comes waaaaay too soon for this girl!

Friday, February 19, 2010

My first ever blog!!!

Hey everyone! This is my first ever blog. Stay tuned and follow along with us on our adventure. Here's a picture of me and my Sydney B.